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2014 Dallas Stars Summer Tracking Project

Summer is upon us.

Dallas Stars hockey is dormant.

Some of us have free time now.

School is out or about to be out, which, for a myriad of reasons, means some of us have even more free time.

I plan to use some of my free time to go back and watch some Stars hockey with the intent of tracking various aspects of each game. Among those details are zone exits, zone entries, scoring chances, and a few other little things.

I really don’t want to do all of it by myself, though, so I’m reaching out to the Defending Big D community. If you would like to be involved in this project send me an email at the email address listed in my profile.

I’m not going to sugarcoat this. Tracking games can be time consuming. It will take 2+ hours per game at times. It will be frustrating at times when it’s hard to see player numbers, the game clock is off the screen, or when the Stars are getting drilled.

But, it is also pretty rewarding. You will very likely never see any recognition for your efforts other than me saying thanks or acknowledgement via the site. However, know that if you decide to help out with this you are contributing to something useful. This data will go with the other data collected throughout the league. We will use the Stars specific data to learn more about what made the Stars successful.

So again, if you’re interested send me an email. If not, ignore this post.

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